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Rancilio Espresso Machine - Rancilio Silvia

Customer Rating :
Rating: 4.4

List Price : $799.95 Price : $629.00
Rancilio Espresso Machine - Rancilio Silvia

Product Description

Rancilio is a company with a long tradition and our production of high-quality espresso machines dates back to the twenties. After decades of growth and learning, we proudly continue to offer products that are first in their class in design and technology

  • Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine

Rancilio Espresso Machine - Rancilio Silvia Reviews

Rancilio Espresso Machine - Rancilio Silvia Reviews

Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
97 Reviews
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99 of 100 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Quality and built to last, September 20, 2009
Make Myday (minneapolis, MN USA) - See all my reviews
This is a beautiful machine! I started learning about brewing espresso at home with a Gaggia Coffee. I've since stepped up to the Silvia and I wish I had bought it right away. The espresso I produce with it is far superior, never sour or bitter if I use the right amount and tamp it properly, and I can make microfoam. I also appreciate its heaviness, good looks, quiet operation and metal steam wand.

Many say - and it bears repeating - that you will only get the results you are looking for at home if you invest in a burr grinder of at least Rancilio Rocky or Gaggia MDF quality, grind right before brewing and use beans roasted within weeks, not months! I have had disappointing results with other grinders and all preground espresso including expensive Illy, etc.

Shop around and be sure to get free shipping, because this thing weighs a ton. I have seen good package deals where you can get the Silvia and Rocky together; with no tax and free shipping plus some free... Read more
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84 of 86 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars A "real" espresso maker for the home!, December 26, 2006
megbrag (Seattle, WA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Rancilio Espresso Machine - Rancilio Silvia
This machine is the perfect blend of quality, durability, and ease of repair for a home machine under $500. It makes espresso that rivals any you can buy at a coffee house.
I've been making home espresso for 25 years and have used many different machines of various prices which all died. I bought one for $250 from Starbucks which died in one year. They told me parts were not available. This machine is practically bullet-proof. I've had it for over 5 years and it is still running like new. Sure it hurts to spend this much on an espresso machine, but how many $250 machines will you go through? Learn from my mistake(s) and get a good one.
All the parts inside are commercial or semi-commercial grade. Anyone who works on commercial espresso machines can work on this one, and the parts are readily available. It's all stainless and cast iron. Very nice.
It has a 3-way solenoid, which you want, trust me. The 3-way solenoid lets pressure escape from the basket when... Read more
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78 of 81 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars The best machine for under $500, January 10, 2007
J. Pokorski "Glider Pilot" (Blacksburg, VA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Rancilio Espresso Machine - Rancilio Silvia
Miss Silvia is not for everyone, but she can reward a little effort and patience with truly great espresso. If, after reading this, you still think $200 is too much to spend on a grinder, look instead at machines with a pressurized portafilter (Saeco/Starbucks Barista).

Start with the freshest coffee. You might as well discover home roasting. It's very economical, easy, and fun. In fact, you can quickly pay for Miss Silvia with your savings when you pay $3-5/lb for green coffee!

Trust me on this: Your grinder is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than your machine, and few grinders under $200 have a fine enough adjustment mechanism to find the "sweet spot" for the particular bean you're using. Grind controls extraction rate, and you're shooting for 20sec for a double shot. If one click on the grinder throws your extraction 5-6 seconds...you'll quickly become frustrated. Good espresso grinders have at least 40-50 settings. Of course, you need to time your shots to get an... Read more
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