วันอังคารที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Mr. Coffee 6659 4 Cup Permanent Filter, (Filter does not include handle.)

Customer Rating :
Rating: 4.3

List Price : Price : $1.95
Mr. Coffee 6659 4 Cup Permanent Filter, (Filter does not include handle.)

Product Description

The Mr. Coffee 6659 4 Cup Permanent Filter, (Filter does not include handle.) fits models DR4 DRX5 SP3 EC5 AR4 AD4 BL5 BL4 SPX3 NL4 NLX5

    Mr. Coffee 6659 4 Cup Permanent Filter, (Filter does not include handle.) Reviews

    Mr. Coffee 6659 4 Cup Permanent Filter, (Filter does not include handle.) Reviews

    Customer Reviews
    Average Customer Review
    99 Reviews
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    58 of 58 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Nice reusable alternative!, September 8, 2008
    Kenneth Simon (Los Angeles, CA USA) - See all my reviews
    (REAL NAME)   
    Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
    This review is from: Mr. Coffee 6659 4 Cup Permanent Filter, (Filter does not include handle.)
    Having purchased a Mr. Coffee 4-cup coffeemaker, I wasn't looking forward to buying packs of disposable filters. (My local grocery store doesn't even carry that small size!) I also don't like the waste of single-use filters. So, I was pleased to find this permanent filter. I've been using it for several months now, and my coffee always comes out just fine. The filter is easy to clean and, other than washing it after each use, there is no maintenance involved. Using this filter over time, you'll make up the cost of buying disposable ones, and you'll have that much less to toss in the garbage each time you brew a cuppa joe.
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    17 of 17 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars Great little accessory, June 1, 2008
    L. Whitfield (Bethesda, MD, USA) - See all my reviews
    (REAL NAME)   
    This review is from: Mr. Coffee 6659 4 Cup Permanent Filter, (Filter does not include handle.)
    I found that the paper filters left an aftertaste, and are difficult to find. So in the interest of saving the environment just a little bit and having better tasting coffee, I purchased this filter. Granted, with shipping it was almost as much as the coffeemaker, but has been worth it. Much better tasting coffee, very easy to clean. I only wish it had little handles to lift it out of the coffeemaker, as it does fit snugly inside the filter basket.
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    17 of 18 people found the following review helpful
    1.0 out of 5 stars Coffee Sludge, October 20, 2010
    Spenn (North Aurora, IL) - See all my reviews
    Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
    This review is from: Mr. Coffee 6659 4 Cup Permanent Filter, (Filter does not include handle.)
    I was excited to try a permanent filter in my coffee maker, but found that a permanent filter is too good to be true. The last cup of coffee will have a "sludge" of fine ground coffee that gets through the permanent filter. I have tried using both coffee that I have ground and coffee that is already ground. To get rid of the issue to have to use a paper filter with the permanent filter.
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