วันศุกร์ที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Taylor Classic Cappuccino Frothing Dial Thermometer

Customer Rating :
Rating: 3.8

List Price : $9.99 Price : $6.12
Taylor Classic Cappuccino Frothing Dial Thermometer

Product Description

Item #: 5997TR. Thermometer-Frothing-W/Clip. Sealed, for-proof dial. With zone guide and pan clip. 5" stem.
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Amazon.com Review

This professional-grade frothing thermometer clips to the side of a frothing pitcher and permits baristas (espresso machine operators) to instantly and precisely measure temperatures while steaming milk for cappuccinos or caffe lattes. The thermometer measures temperatures from 120 to 180 degrees F, and the optimum frothing temperature zone is indicated on the 1-1/4-inch dial in purple. The instrument has a 5-inch stainless-steel stem. --Fred Brack

  • Clips to the side of a steaming pitcher
  • Sealed dial will not fog
  • Optimum frothing-temperature zone indicated in purple
  • Measures temperatures from 120 to 180 degrees F
  • 5-inch stainless-steel stem

Taylor Classic Cappuccino Frothing Dial Thermometer Reviews

Taylor Classic Cappuccino Frothing Dial Thermometer Reviews

Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
60 Reviews
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57 of 59 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Improve your froth, July 7, 2001
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Taylor Classic Cappuccino Frothing Dial Thermometer (Kitchen)
Not a bad thermometer for making the perfect froth for your cappucino. Pluses: Temp range for perfect milk temperature highlighted (140-160 deg. F), reasonably priced. Minuses: It should include a plastic protector tube (to prevent inadvertant stabbings...), and it would be nice if the temp gauge went down to 80 degrees. To get a good froth, try dancing the steam wand at the top of the milk until the temp reaches 100 deg.F. As the foam rises, follow it up. At 100 deg.F, push the wand down into the milk until the temp reaches 140-160 deg.F. Have fun!
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19 of 20 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Good quality but poor functionality, June 3, 2005
Ronald A. Leeruangsri (Los Angeles, CA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Taylor Classic Cappuccino Frothing Dial Thermometer (Kitchen)
I own several other Taylor thermometers and they are all very good quality items for their price range. However, this thermometer, though its quality is fine, lacks the temperature markings (i.e., it does not even go down to 100 F!) needed to perfect the steamed milk or frothed milk needed for lattes, cappucinos, or macchiatos. As one of the previous reviewers mentioned, once the temperature reaches 100 F, you should move the steam wand from the surface to the bottom. This is an essential step to get the perfect "microfoam" (not big soap bubbles) that makes for a fantastic latte or cappucino. Bottom line: find a thermometer that has easy to read numbers, a clip, and temperature that goes down to at least 100, but preferably lower.
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14 of 14 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect for froth making, January 8, 2003
This review is from: Taylor Classic Cappuccino Frothing Dial Thermometer (Kitchen)
This is an excellent constructed thermometer for making perfect froth. Indicator is tightly sealed and no fogging. And solid stainless-steel construction. I bought it a month ago and have no complain. Make sure you only need it for making froth and not other usages. If you look at the picture, you'll see the it only works at temperature from 120-180F. Good quality and nice price.
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